Category: <span>Underlying Conditions</span>

Word Weather

Hurricanes named like children. A blizzard of tweets. A socialist tsunami, now forecast. Hashtag: the storm is coming. Hashtag: the storm has arrived. A waterspout on the horizon swerves toward the boat made of cardboard letters that fell from their place above the blackboard. The cloud of word weather, over our heads, changes again. Has this “inflection point” become “weaponized”?

In Pandemic Times

Nevertheless, state by state, a movement stirs from some deep well of our national character. Restlessness. Discontent. Yearning for freedom. Some citizens of the great states of Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota and Wisconsin–all electoral battlegrounds–rage against these defensive public health measures. Rebels in the name of God and the Constitution, they invoke a right angled swastika as a way to make an example of Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, who is trying to protect the health of her citizens. Those who protest, all of them white, compare what they’re doing to the actions of Rosa Parks in the Civil Rights movement.